Join us this Advent and Christmas season in supporting a variety of local community organizations in their mission to provide for and uplift those in need.
Explore the options below and prayerfully consider how you can contribute to someone in need this season.
Children's Toy Drive Donations of new Christmas toys are needed to support the Baltimore City Family Preservation Unity serving at-risk families and children ages toddler through pre-teen. Toys will be collected until Tuesday, December 17th
Center for Pregnancy Concerns Monetary donations are needed to support the Center for Pregnancy Concerns & Options in their mission of providing medical care and resources that support the choice for life. Donations can be made by bringing cash or check made payable to the Center for Pregnancy Concerns (CPC) to the Parish Center. Parish Center Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm. Donations may also be dropped in the weekend collection baskets but should be clearly labeled for the Center for Pregnancy Concerns. Collection will run until Sunday, December 22nd
Pregnancy Center North Material Donations are needed to support Pregnancy Center North in their mission of helping women faced with untimely or distressful pregnancies bring their babies to term and become responsible, loving, and confident mothers. Items will be collected until Sunday, December 22nd
Our Daily Bread Employment Center Donations of full-sized toiletries and laundry products as well as hats, gloves, and scarves are needed to support Our Daily Bread Employment Center in their mission of improving the lives of people in need through resources to help achieve self-sufficiency through employment and housing. Items will be collected until Sunday, December 15th.
Donation Boxes will be located in the narthex and parish center beginning Saturday, December 7. Please note the different deadlines for each collection.