What you are is God's gift to you. What you become is your gift to God.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Parishioners offer their gifts and interests to the Cathedral in a variety of ways. Some participate in formal ministries, while others volunteer their service as needed. Each member of the Cathedral is an integral part of the whole. If none of the areas below seem to fit, we encourage you to reach out to the Parish Office about discerning how God might be calling you to serve at the Cathedral.
Cathedral Guides are trained to give tours of the Cathedral and answer questions relating to it. Tours are given after each weekend Mass and can be arranged in advance for individuals and groups. Guides study the Cathedral’s architecture, windows, shrines, and other elements to explain its richest features and to draw out from them the beauty of the Catholic faith. All interested in becoming a Cathedral Guide are asked to contact Ginger Galvez.
The Bereavement Ministry is a parishioner-led service of compassion and spiritual support to families as they plan funeral services for or with a loved one. Bereavement Ministers assist with pre-planning the funeral service and coordinate liturgical logistics during the funeral service. The ministry's mission is to enable families to celebrate the life of their loved ones without the stress of funeral coordination. Parishioners available during the day to assist with funerals are encouraged to join the Bereavement Ministry and contact Carolyn Knott.
Catechists are needed in all areas of the Cathedral’s formation programs, including Family Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, and OCIA/Becoming Catholic. Gifted teachers are invited to discern where their gifts might best fit. For assistance, please contact Olivia Russell, Coordinator of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry.