As you know, the Seek the City to Come initiative is well underway and has meant a great deal of change and transition. One such change is the reorganization of the Cathedral staff and the addition of new staff members to help our community navigate these changes and transitions smoothly.
We are grateful to welcome to our team Denise Szimanski and Barbara Maxwell-Jackson from Saint Pius X and St. Mary of the Assumption respectively. Denise and Barbara will be working as Transition Coordinators to assist the Cathedral staff with continuing the administrative operations of St. Pius X and St. Mary’s and preparing for the official merger of our parish communities.
There are also some changes to the existing Cathedral staff. Alexandra Mihaly will be transitioning from the Coordinator of Faith Formation to the new role of Pastoral Associate. In this role, Alexandra will oversee formation and evangelization efforts and programs and will assist in the management of the Cathedral staff. Olivia Russell, currently the Assistant Coordinator of Faith Formation, will transition into the Coordinator of Faith Formation role and, as such, will oversee the Family Faith Formation program, sacramental preparation programs, and all family ministry events. Finally, Sherri Rachuba, currently the Front Desk Receptionist, will transition into the new Office Coordinator role. In this role, Sherri will continue to help the Parish offices run smoothly. This does mean that Sherri will no longer work the front desk. We know she will be missed there; however, we are confident that you are in good hands with our team of staff and volunteers who will assume the front desk role and responsibilities. Should you visit the parish offices, Denise Szimanski, Chris Heemann, and Christine Higgins will be happy to assist you with Mass intentions, Mass cards, and any other help you may need. Finally, Topher Russo, the Director of Facilities has resigned from his position at the Cathedral. We are grateful for his work and dedication to the Cathedral and wish him well in his future endeavors.
As the Seek the City to Come initiative continues to unfold, there will continue to be many changes and transitions. Please keep the Cathedral leadership and staff as well as the staffs and communities of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Pius X, St. Mary of the Assumption, and the Shrine of the Sacred Heart close in your prayers. Know of our prayers for each of you as we continue to navigate this experience as a newly forming parish family.
If you are interested in supporting our communities through this process, please prayerfully consider serving on one of the transition teams or the newly formed Hospitality Committee headed up by Julie Grace Males.